Did you know all pain can affect our mental health?

Our founder in her Therapist MAG series muses some. “Don’t ignore the pain signals because they can have dire consequences on your mental health” . #mentalhealthmatters #youarenotalone #mentalillnessawareness #recoveryispossible #thereishope Please share to spread the love

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H4AB Awareness and Anti-stigma campaign for mental illness

#mentalhealthawareness #mentalillnessawareness #breakthestigma #Mentalhealthmatters #morethanadiagnosis. As a build up to World Mental Health day 2020 on the 10th of October, our Founder is launching an Awareness and Anti-stigma campaign for mental illness’. In her words: “I just want to reiterate that although I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2014, I am not […]

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How can we take care of ourselves holistically during this pandemic?

Covid 19 has put us in a state of fear and restless consciousness about our physical health (which is a good thing); but what about our mental health and mind? Watch this video from our research and budget assistant to get tips on how to fight stress and empower ourselves during this Covid 19 pandemic […]

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More events to raise awareness on Mental health by our founder

It is in our founders habits to keep advocating for the community’s mental health especially during this pandemic period, through different events she speaks on. Three of such events she’s recently been on include: 1) The CASEC information virtual exchange show series aptly dubbed “When pandemics collide” with focus on the topic ” Covid 19 […]

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Motivating us all is a passion of our founder

Let’s go forth into a new week with the reminder that happiness is from within and we can choose how to act or react to external stimulus such a pressure from the world or that from within…yes because our #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate #breakthestigma #thereishope #bethehope #youarenotalone #mindfulness #beautifulminds #wellness Please share to spread the love

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Fight against Domestic Abuse: Flee when you see red flags

Fight against Domestic Abuse: Flee when you see red flags Olamide Omujuwa Alli a 25- year old woman has been murdered by her partner, Chris Ndukwe in Nigeria. Her friends testified to repeated incidences of abuse from her partner, but she kept getting back with him because of ‘love’. Chris gruesomely murdered Olamide over a […]

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Murder has recently been part of societal discourse with women and ladies as main targets. One will wonder what crime some women created just to be women. Shocking news hit the Buea neighbourhood with a murder case due to a thwarted relationship. Alain Tondji known to be a barber murdered his girlfriend Franca, a final […]

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Suicide Prevention

According to the American Psychiatric Association Men are more than three times more likely than women to take their lives. Firearms are the most common method of suicide (used in about half of all suicides). But, suicide is preventable if we consider the risk factors and and pay attention to the warning signs. Suicide has […]

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Suicide Awareness

The word ‘suicide’ was first introduced in the 17th Century, said to be derived from the Latin words ‘sui (of oneself) and ‘caedere (to kill). Suicide is the act of killing oneself, deliberately initiated and perfomed by the person concerened in full knowledge or expectation of its fatal outcome (WHO, 1998). According to the Global […]

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