Our founder keeps honouring invitations to raise awareness on mental health and mental illnesses on different shows. In the past weeks she participated at the following: 1. “Lived experience with Mental Illness”, hosted by Global Mental Health Peer Network (In Our Voices) and the focus points where as follows-Receiving a diagnosis (how to handle the […]
Tag Archives: #suicideprevention
Commemorating World Suicide Prevention day
In solidarity with our founder and all other suicide survivors who at some point thought suicide was the permanent solution to their problem. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #GMPHN_speakout #WSPD2020 #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness#hopefortheabusedbattered#thereishope#bethehope Please share to spread the love
Suicide Prevention
According to the American Psychiatric Association Men are more than three times more likely than women to take their lives. Firearms are the most common method of suicide (used in about half of all suicides). But, suicide is preventable if we consider the risk factors and and pay attention to the warning signs. Suicide has […]