“Signs of mental health challenges – do not suffer alone”

This is so spot on…mental health matters, the Challenges are for real, none is exempt especially during this Covid-19 pandemic, but there is HOPE. You are not alone, help is available. Do not suffer in silence. Speak up and reach out. If you see something, please say something. You never know who you might be […]

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Ahead of WMHD, our founder launches the GMHPN Africa anti-stigma campaign

As a countdown to World Mental Health day on the 10th of October 2020, I kickstart the GMHPN Africa campaign to raise awareness and combat stigma. #Mentalhealthmatters #breakthestigma #mentalillnessawareness Please share to spread the love

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Very Important and free event on patient management of chronic diseases during this pandemic

Very Important and free event you wouldn’t want to miss oooooooo. Now of there is one thing the pandemic can be credited for, it’s the fact that it has made virtual acquiring and desimination of vital information especially for our health both urgent and in most cases accessible by many. In most cases, having a […]

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Launching an Awareness and anti-stigma Campaign for mental illness

#mentalhealthawareness #mentalillnessawareness #breakthestigma #Mentalhealthmatters #morethanadiagnosis. As a build up to World Mental Health day 2020 on the 10th of October, Our founder just wants to reiterate that although she was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2014, she is not a post traumatic disordered lady. She has this to say about herself #IamMAG and […]

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How can we take care of ourselves holistically during this pandemic?

Covid 19 has put us in a state of fear and restless consciousness about our physical health (which is a good thing); but what about our mental health and mind? Watch this video from our research and budget assistant to get tips on how to fight stress and empower ourselves during this Covid 19 pandemic […]

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World Suicide Prevention day 2020: Let’s talk awareness, prevention and stigma

Our Founder honoured an invitation by the Voice of Hope Media on the ocassion of World suicide prevention Day. she also joined in her capacity as a Psychotherapist; Executive Representative for the African Region for Global Mental Health Peer Network, and country executive- Cameroon. Please share to spread the love

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Commemorating World Suicide Prevention day

In solidarity with our founder and all other suicide survivors who at some point thought suicide was the permanent solution to their problem. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay #GMPHN_speakout #WSPD2020 #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness#hopefortheabusedbattered#thereishope#bethehope Please share to spread the love

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Understanding Conflict And Conflict Resolution.

On Monday the 24th August, our Admin and HR officer Ms Estela Mah did a presentation on understanding conflict as well as various conflict resolution techniques we could use to manage conflict . The presentation was pursuant to a 10days secluse for the 4th Training of Trainers workshop on peace Transformation organized by the PCC […]

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Mental health and Menstruation matters

Our founder was a guest on an very important platform to talk about the corelation about mental health and Menstruation matters. Maybe some ladies didn’t grow up in a society which stigmatizes menstruation; maybe it wasn’t a taboo to talk about menstruation in your community; maybe you didn’t lack a sanitary pad ever; or maybe […]

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