Why do women suffer more from Domestic abuse in Cameroon? Listen to our research assistant Ms. Cora Enow Please share to spread the love
Author Archives: marieabanga
3 great Awareness and Advocacy events our founder has spoken at recently S1
Our Founder has been pursuing the mental health awareness scope of our organization recently by honouring various invitations to join esteemed panels on various thematic discussions Our Founder has been pursuing the mental health awareness scope of our organization recently by honoring various invitations to join esteemed panels on various thematic discussions. 1)On the 5th […]
Seizing all opportunities: It’s a global Advocacy for our founder
#mentalhealthmatters leaving no opportunity behind to raise awareness especially in moments like these; our founder honours an invitation by the international MMPF #mentalhealthadvocate #breakthestigma #mentalillnessawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #bethehope #thereishope Please share to spread the love
Phase 2 of the AAF project for IDPs in Douala, Cameroon
Phase 2 of project AAF(Awareness, Advocacy and Facilitation on mental health matters and birth certificates for children) for IDPs (Internally displaced persons) dey start small time with identification of our target beneficiaries o – who want join we as partner or goodwill donor o, we go only dey glad Please share to spread the love
10 Ways to Teach Your Child the Skills to Prevent Sexual Abuse
Straight talk about body parts and a no-secrets policy can protect young kids without scaring them We teach our young children all sorts of ways to keep themselves safe. We teach them to watch the hot stove, we teach them to look both ways before they cross the street. But, more often than not, body […]
Overview of H4AB
Hope for the Abused and Battered is an association where those battered by life can find hope. Victims of domestic violence and other life’s challenges can find some refuge and guidance through the various challenges they face. The aim of the association is to provide supporting services which promote emotional resilience to people battered by […]