Our founder goes nude to raise awareness to a form of blackmail and in solidarity with victims

Resorting to blackmail using nude pictures and videos of individuals is not only morally wrong but also a human rights violation involving emotional, sexual and financial abuse. Exposing one’s nudity to the public goes against public decorum and may greatly affect the person concerned in several way. For these reasons, it’s particularly vital to fight […]

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Intra-Family Sexual Violence. Could there be a risk of increase during this period of the Covid-19 Confinement?

Our founder Barrister Marie A Abanga will be live on Radio Mirror today Thursday 23rd, April 2020 from 3-4PM on the program ‘Ici le Cameroun’. To get more insights, tune in to Fm 93.7 Mirror Radio TV and get more scoops on sexual violence during this confinement period of COVID-19.. She will be reflecting on […]

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Mental health matters during this Covid-19 outbreak pandemic

Our Founder on April 21st will be attending a Webinar Series on mental health and Covid-19 organized by Lancet Psychiatry, Mental Health Innovation Network, MHPSS.net and United for Global Mental Health. Covid-19 has been around for about 4 months and has brought a lot of panic and frustration to many people. It has also emitted […]

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Let’s Talk COVID-19 Pandemic, Violence, Child Rape and Other Family Conflicts

Our founder Barrister Marie Abanga (aka MAG), will be live on Fm 93.7 Mirror Radio TV on Thursday the 23rd of April, 2020 at 2PM to lead discussions on Rape, Violence and other family conflicts during this period of confinement. Ms MAG will shed light on her experience in the domain of rape and advice […]

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Let’s talk about mental health

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=322561695010791&id=538649879867825&extid=J5Dof2QG1aWjLu3C&funlid=K2ercHi9XGHrsveo&d=w&vh=e We need to openly confront mental illness like this to heal and help many others on their own journey too. We are all dealing with something which can lead to a mental illness or mental health challenge, and being what the world calls a success or celebrity, doesn’t take our struggles away – on […]

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Covid-19 Outbreak pandemic and mental health

Our founder will be a guest on the Returnees show this evening with the indefatigable Miranda Oben to talk about Covid-19 outbreak pandemic and mental health. Let’s follow the link and like their Facebook page to join the conversation. PS : follow this link here to follow the interview. Please share to spread the love

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Take care of your mental health during this crisis too

https://youtu.be/lc61C1E0ZEA Since the covid-19 outbreak pandemic, a lot has gone awry. So much uncertainty and panic and anxiety. Our mental health has never been so globally challenged, it’s now imperative to normalize conversations about mental health. Our founder in this video shares a summary she made after attending a webinar on mental health in crisis […]

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H4AB becomes a Netzkraft participant

Our Organization Hope for the Abused and Battered was last week made a participant of the global Netzkraft movement. Check out our profile on their website right here.The Netzkraft Movement is a multidisciplinary, international network of more than 3600 organizations throughout the world who are socially, politically, ecologically or spiritually involved. The participants offer mutual […]

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How are you coping with the Covid-19 confinement?

https://youtu.be/pEOPlIkNhS8 Our founder shares some insight into how she is coping with the Covid-19 outbreak and what she thinks can help us much more than fear can. Being and staying mindful, as well as making healthy choices is the best way to go during these tough times. Please share to spread the love

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