Mental health matters during this Covid-19 outbreak pandemic

Our Founder on April 21st will be attending a Webinar Series on mental health and Covid-19 organized by Lancet Psychiatry, Mental Health Innovation Network, and United for Global Mental Health. Covid-19 has been around for about 4 months and has brought a lot of panic and frustration to many people. It has also emitted negative influences which affect both the physical health and the mental health of everyone be they infected or affected by the outbreak. Taking good care of our mental health and supporting those who have or may likely develop mental health problems during this period will help everyone as a whole. During this crisis situation, 5 category of people are a main concern during this Covid-19 outbreak pandemic, especially as far as their mental health is concerned:
1) People who hustle to gain money for their needs and those of their families;
2) The young people, who are more likely to develop mental health problems;
3) The old people, who need support and care since they can get serious mental health problems;
4) People who are affected by Covid-19, the sick and the caregivers; and
5) People already living with a mental illness.
These people are in need of consistent help and support. Raising awareness about mental health matters, sensitizing the community and emphasizing on the importance of taking good care of our mental health will go a long way in the global efforts to curb the effects of the pandemic on the world.

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